So much of creativity seems to come out of the ether, from nowhere, seemingly magically. For a Director, it's no different. The crazy, awesome ideas that come to you in the middle of the night or at the spur of the moment in rehearsal, these are golden. I, personally, feel so lucky when I am so inspired and have worried, in the past, about what I would do if the inspiration didn't come.
But, after having directed dozens of shows and been in rehearsal watching other directors work for dozens and dozens of shows, I have come to the conclusion that the best way to stay inspired is to keep working. Why? The inspiration will come. It will. What's the trick? You have to know it will.
Oh sure, you say. Thanks for the circular argument.
Fair enough. But the crazy is this is true. You are a talented, intelligent director. You've already had a few kicks at the can and done well. You know that, when you needed it, the inspiration came. When you had to solve a problem or were stuck with a flat scene, always something comes to you that helps solve problem or makes the scene more compelling.
In fact, if you are like most directors, the ideas come at a fast and furious pace. So much so, that many Directors have trouble sifting through the ideas to determine what works and what doesn't. Some directors are changing things right up the to last moment often to the detriment of the piece - but that is a topic for another post.
For this blog post, if you are worried about your inspiration, all I will say is rest assured. If you are doing your research, if you are reading your play, if you are working with actors, the inspiration will come.
Burke is
a freelance director, writer, and
theatrical teacher living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is
Me A Tenor
for Scarborough
Theatre Guild, directing the All-Female Taming
of the Shrew
Jaybird Productions, and prepping three Shakespeare is Boffo! summer camps for Jaybird and the Open Door. Also, she is serializing The
her first novel, online at
Jacquiburkecell, jacqui.burke
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