We managed to close Affections of May for Scarborough Theatre Guild on Saturday. Good show, fun audience, nice, clean strike, lovely party with some great folks. And, then, it's all over but the crying because I will definitely miss this mob.
But it sure is funny. The next morning or the morning after that, you wake up and, instead of feeling sad, your eyes are dry and are definitely looking forward. Seems to be the nature of the theatrical beastie. Like a young bride who leaves her childhood home crying but arrives at her new home bright-eyed, tears wiped away, heart hopeful, we theatre-folk very quickly put even great theatrical experiences behind us, look at the horizon, see some intriguing shape, and start walking toward it. We move on.
And what is that, out there, that shape on the horizon? Well, it's probably a shadow of what I'm going to become. I am certainly selfish enough to mostly be motivated only by my own goals. Fickle, heartless, and uncaring, despite my deep love, affection, and respect for you, I will leave you behind without even the slightest twinge of guilt for your feelings and start walking.
What am I moving on to? Well, right on my doorstep are Shakespeare is Boffo! kids March Break camp, The Mayan Prediction, Kidsplay 2012 (children's written and led show), Wrong For Each Other
with Encore Entertainment and, like most theatre people, I have to be
thinking over a year or so ahead; so, I am deciding (in the next forty-eight hours) whether to apply to
direct a show I adore next season or try to produce, on my own, another little show I adore. Phew. Never rains, but it pours.
I won't look back very often at Affections of May. I guess I am, by my very nature, a little hard-hearted, a little self-involved. Very much a 'love-the-one-you're-with' sort of thing. I will tell you, though, that when I do think of Affections of May, it will be with a warm heart. Cheers to all of you, lovelies. It was a great experience.
Now, wait, what's that out there? Over there in the distance? What is that....? Let's go see!
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